Our ground school is paying dividends thanks to the hard work of CFI & AP Cassi Terry. Jake Bass, Destiny Essary, and Zac Reeves have been faithful students for the last several weeks now as they move toward their Knowledge Test requirements. 

Jake and Destiny continue to fly. Now that KSNL has reopened they are both working toward their dual cross country and night flying. When KSNL was closed, Don Laughlin graciously allowed Destiny some time on the Piper Cherokee. I was also able to take Jake up for some time so they could all remain current. Matt Stewart continues to work off his hours toward his commercial rating. He is half way there! Pray God continue to send the resources for all our airmen as they continue their training. 

We have also been able to onboard some new students who are preparing to begin a new ground school effort. Brian and Emily Moore and Michael Willman. We will discuss the ground school more at the next meeting. 
We have also been introduced to a new airman, Seth Johnson. Seth is 16 and has just been awarded a Hunter Scholarship where he will train up to solo at Sundance. Seth will be joining us for volunteer work and local missions. His main goal is to become a Missionary Pilot. 

Flight Simulator – Our flight sim continues to improve. We just tested an enhanced feature to mimic some glass cockpit work for the artificial horizon, altitude, speed, pitch, and turn & bank. We also have some exciting news on Flight Sim #2 we will discuss at Wednesday’s meeting.