Missionary Candidates

Jake Bass
Jake Bass joined the RFC in 2020, initially with a goal to fly in the Air Force. When he learned about the millions of people around the globe who have yet to hear the Gospel, he surrendered his life to missions. His long-term goals include becoming a CFI and Missionary Pilot. He obtained his PPL in June 2022 and is currently working on his instrument rating and A&P certification. Jake is prayerfully pursuing the Lord’s will, seeking to be on a mission in Oklahoma while training for overseas work. Pray for his strength, encouragement, and vision for how the Lord may use Jake’s skills for His glory.

Benjamin and Cynthia Burkhart
Benjamin and Cynthia Burkhart were each committed to furthering Christ’s kingdom before meeting in 2021. As a new believer, Benjamin heard about the RFC mission and knew immediately he was to follow God’s will through mission aviation. Meanwhile, Cynthia had been serving in a ministry for abandoned seniors in Mexico, which is where her interest in the medical field began. Married in December 2022, Benjamin and Cynthia are now excited to be serving together. Benjamin has finished his A&P certification and is working on his PPL; Cynthia is currently pursuing paramedic training. As they seek where God may plant them in the future, pray for endurance, clarity, and for more workers to be sent into the fields.

Destiny Essary
Destiny Essary joined the RFC in 2020 as our first missionary candidate student. While still in high school, she felt the call to missions, and soon thereafter developed an interest in aviation. She earned her PPL in July 2021 and started attending the University of Oklahoma that fall. There, she is pursuing a Professional Pilot degree, minoring in Business and in Spanish. Destiny obtained her Instrument rating in January 2023 and is well on her way to her Commercial and CFI ratings. Her long-term goals include instructing for the RFC, obtaining her A&P license, and serving as a Missionary Pilot overseas. Pray for endurance and a continued passion for aviation as she pursues Christ.